Monday, November 5, 2012

The World is a Boys Buffet - A Craving for Christmas Trees

Just over 1 year ago my boys and I were exhaustedly erecting the final Christmas tree in our home. We go a little nuts with the decorations around here at Christmas time and by “Christmas time” I mean November 1 and by “we” I most definitely mean I, and over the top, crazy, old saint nick badgering woman would probably be a more accurate description then just the lonely simple word “nuts”.
By this point in the evening it was past the boy’s bedtime and as any parent knows starting a huge task after the kids should already be in bed, however fun it may be, always makes for a poopie head screaming, hair pulling, back punching gem of a time for all children involved.
Bedtime is a great time around these parts. By 7pm the mood has generally shifted from happy and calm to grumpy and whiney and the boys are usually tired too.
Anyways, the boys were tired, I was exhausted from the decorating festivities of the day and Jordan was working late and not home to partake in all of the “fun”. My youngest at the time decided the toy room Christmas tree in all of its child-decorated glory, looked appetizing.
Now I’m a mother of only boys, so I have the understanding that there is something woven into the fibers of a boy, deep deep down, its un-explainable and un-changeable, a boy will eat anything and everything he sees.
I would more easily understand this whole fiasco had there been popcorn cascading enticingly off the branches or if cute little gingerbread men adorned the tree, but that was not the case. My sons delicious, festivous snack choice that evening was glass light bulbs. And they were not even the colourful kind! Oh what a merry time that was.
I was in the kitchen grabbing something and my oldest yells “mom, Nixon’s eating light bulbs”.
I ran to the toy room to find my sons mouth bleeding while he’s holding up a string of lights with one missing. All that remains in its place are a few jagged shards of glass. A very pregnant and frantic me packed up the boys and we headed to the hospital where we got to sit and wait for hours. Eventually he had an x-ray and nothing showed up. He was fine and we never had any issues, I’ve always been curious how that glass made it out.
This season I’ve been on guard and so far no bulbs have been harmed in the decorating of our home.
So a word of warning, if you have young boys, they will eat anything and everything. Keep an eye on your Christmas tree.

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